Create a simple sensor

Create a simple sensor

Really basic example
This example is really simple and only shows the absolute basics of how to create a sensor. This device will publish a random temperature value every 5 seconds.


  • Install Node.js
  • Prepare a folder where you are going to create your package, e.g. example-sensor
    • Open a terminal in that folder.
    • Run npm init -y to create a package.json file.
    • Run npm install quantumhub-sdk to install the QuantumHub SDK.
    • Open the folder in your favorite IDE, I am using Cursor.

Create a configuration file

Every package needs a configuration file, which defines the package itself and the attributes a package has available. In this example we will create a simple temperature sensor. Check out the package reference for more information.

Create a file called example-sensor.yaml and add the following content:

  name: example-sensor
  version: 1.0.0
  description: <Your description of your device>
  author: <Your name>
  entry: example-sensor.ts

    name: Temperature
    type: sensor
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    state_class: measurement

In the configuration file we define a value for entry, this needs to be a relative path to the file where your device is implemented.

Create the device file

Create a file called example-sensor.ts in the location you defined in the configuration file and add the following content:

import { Device, Provider } from 'quantumhub-sdk';

class ExampleSensor implements Device {
  private provider!: Provider;
  private timeoutId: undefined | NodeJS.Timeout;

   * This method is called when the packages are being loaded from disk and being cached by the QuantumHub server.
   * You will receive the Provider instance, which you can store in the class for later use.
   * @param provider
   * @returns
  init = async (provider: Provider): Promise<boolean> => {
    this.provider = provider;

    return true;

   * This method is called when the device is being started. This is always 
   * AFTER the init method and only when init returned true.
  start = async (): Promise<void> => {
    this.timeoutId = this.provider.timeout.set(async () => {
    }, 5000);

   * This method is called when the device is being stopped. For example when the server is being stopped or the device
   * is manually stopped from the web interface.
  stop = async (): Promise<void> => {
    if (this.timeoutId) {
      this.timeoutId = undefined;

   * This method is called when the device is being destroyed. 
   * This is always the last method that is called on the device.
  destroy = async (): Promise<void> => {

   * A simple method that uses a timeout to loop indefinitely and update the temperature attribute.
  private update = async (): Promise<void> => {
    // In our example we are updating the temperature every 5 seconds with a random value.
    const randomValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);

    // Here we are triggering the QuantumHub API to update the value of the `temperature` attribute.
    this.provider.setAttributeValue('temperature', randomValue.toString());

    // We are calling the update method again in 5 seconds.
    this.timeoutId = this.provider.timeout.set(this.update.bind(this), 5000);

export default ExampleSensor;

Updating the QuantumHub configuration

Make sure you copy the example-sensor folder to the packages folder of QuantumHub.

During the installation of QuantumHub, you created a configuration file. Open the file and add your device to the packages section.

After creating the package, you need to push it to Github, so QuantumHub can install it. Update the dependencies section of the configuration file with the repository and config file of your package.

  - package: example-sensor
    identifier: random-sensor
    name: My first random sensor


Restart the QuantumHub server.